Even Though: Storing Up Treasure

I'm a Christian, a wife to Lester for 34 years, a mother to three great kids, a grandmother to five. I'm also a writer and Published author.

What I'm not is perfect. On any given day I am sure to mess up in dozens of ways. I will be impractical and make decisions that will hurt my family, my finances or my future. I will be impatient and say or do something to annoy, distract, or damage others. I will be impulsive and allow my anger, my frustration or my sadness to lead me into sinning against my God and others. I WILL BE IMPERFECT. It's who I am.

Yet, even though I'm not yet who I could be in Christ, He loves me anyway! God loves me anyway!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Storing Up Treasure

Matthew 6:19-21
New International Version (NIV)
Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

A few nights ago, I was thinking about the things I wish I'd learned earlier in life. I was surprised by how long the list grew to be.

For instance, I created a whole page of notes on money issues alone. 

However, it really all boils down to just a few basic strategies:
  1. Never spend more than you have...or hope to make before the statements come due each month.

  2. Unlike diamonds, credit is not a girl's best friend. Keep your relationship friendly and polite but never let it get the best of you... otherwise you'll be dealing with it forever!
  3. And lastly, Ben Franklin once said, "A penny saved is a penny earned."  I never really understood that sage piece of advice until I found myself counting pennies, literally, to buy a loaf of bread to feed my family during a really hard time. Save your money.  The folding kind is best, tucked safely away in an interest bearing account. But, the copper kind, saved in a tin can, can really save your buns, too!

However, while saving your money and being wise with your accounts is a great piece of advice, there is one more tidbit I'd love to share with you. 

Store up your treasures in heaven and you will never be poor.

Jesus spoke not of saving our money or raising our credit limits but of storing up our treasures in heaven. What does that mean?

It means balancing our lives with more good than evil. It means growing our relationship with Him through study and worship. It means investing our time in others. It means giving all we have to Him.

He is the wisest investment of all.

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