Even Though: Give to Get

I'm a Christian, a wife to Lester for 34 years, a mother to three great kids, a grandmother to five. I'm also a writer and Published author.

What I'm not is perfect. On any given day I am sure to mess up in dozens of ways. I will be impractical and make decisions that will hurt my family, my finances or my future. I will be impatient and say or do something to annoy, distract, or damage others. I will be impulsive and allow my anger, my frustration or my sadness to lead me into sinning against my God and others. I WILL BE IMPERFECT. It's who I am.

Yet, even though I'm not yet who I could be in Christ, He loves me anyway! God loves me anyway!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Give to Get

For if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. ~Matthew 6:14-15 (ESV)

The central core of my personal faith boils down to one simple concept: Jesus Christ is my Savior. The salvation of my soul is accomplished through His forgiveness of my sins, a gift He provides even though I do not deserve it.

How important is it then, that I in turn should offer forgiveness…not because others have earned it or deserve it, but because I myself did not earn it or deserve either and yet received it....even though?

Forgiveness is tantamount to my eternity. How important is it to yours?

The Bottom Line is simple: Forgive to be forgiven.

Thank you, Father, for your Forgiveness. I don't deserve it, but you give it anyway. I pray you will empower me to do the same for those who have hurt me, angered me, filled me with resentment. The gift of my forgiveness is not for them...it is for me. To cleanse my heart and my soul. Yet, I pray too that your forgiveness, my forgiveness, will change them too. I pray they will feel your presence in their lives and move closer to you. I pray these things in the confidence of knowing you listen and will answer. Amen

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