Even Though: March 2014

I'm a Christian, a wife to Lester for 34 years, a mother to three great kids, a grandmother to five. I'm also a writer and Published author.

What I'm not is perfect. On any given day I am sure to mess up in dozens of ways. I will be impractical and make decisions that will hurt my family, my finances or my future. I will be impatient and say or do something to annoy, distract, or damage others. I will be impulsive and allow my anger, my frustration or my sadness to lead me into sinning against my God and others. I WILL BE IMPERFECT. It's who I am.

Yet, even though I'm not yet who I could be in Christ, He loves me anyway! God loves me anyway!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

Numbers 11:4-6

New International Version (NIV)

The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”

Have you ever thought about how hard it really is, SOMETIMES, to be grateful?

You wouldn’t think that would be the case, however, ungratefulness is often times our first response to the things we are given. I remember when I was a child; my sister and I were gifted little stuffed bunnies to celebrate the Easter holiday. They were adorable. However, my bunny was blue and my sister’s was purple and all I could think about was how much I wanted hers over my own. Other than their color the bunnies were identical. Why couldn’t I be happy with what I had?

For the same reason, I suppose, the Jews could not be happy with what they had. The Good Lord had gifted them with Manna from heaven. It was sweet, like honey, and filled their bellies when there was nothing else on hand. Every day it appeared miraculously with no effort on their part. They did not have to plow the ground, or plant to sow; they did not have to harvest or transform anything. All they had to do was gather it from the ground and eat of it. But were they grateful? Well, maybe in the beginning. But, it didn’t take long for them to lose that grateful attitude. Soon they became tired of the “same old thing”. They began to wish and beg for more. What’s worse, they began to grieve for their old lives as slaves to Egypt! “At least there we were taken care of!”

Holy Cow!

Have you lost your gratefulness? Have you become immune to the blessings you have because of God? Have you forgotten all He’s ever done for you?
Perhaps today would be a good day to be reminded that you are a child of God and as a result of His mercies you have been blessed beyond measure. Take a moment to list ALL of the gifts you’ve received from God and thank Him for each one. He loves you with all of His heart. A “Thank You” is all He asks for in return.

Thank you Father for your many blessings, some are big and some are small. Each is manna from heaven. We are grateful for your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Give God the Glory

Genesis 11:4
Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth."

Those who built the tower of Babel were good at their job…and they knew it. Architecture, masonry, carpentry, these men were the best. They wanted to be known for it. “Let us build ourselves a city, with a tower, so we may make a name for ourselves,” they said. These were men who wanted to be famous.

There’s nothing wrong with that. Is there?

Of course not; however, their mistake came when they refused to acknowledge God’s hand in their work. They wanted all the glory. Let US build a tower. Let US reach the heavens. Let US make a name for  OURSELVES…

Their hubris knew no bounds. So, they were humbled.

God has a way of humbling us as well.

For a while, I led a monthly ladies Bible study here in Las Vegas. The women who attended were always so sweetly complimentary of the job I had done. I tried with all my heart to remember to give the glory to God. “He told me what to say”, “He led me to the right scriptures”, “This was God’s doing.”

However, one month, after a very successful meeting during which many were moved to powerful prayer and one dear sister rededicated her life to God I was feeling very…Babel-ish. As my friends hugged me and whispered sweet compliments in my ears I reveled in their adoration. “Angie, you are such a good Bible study leader”, “You are so wonderful. You’ve changed my life”, “I can’t imagine a better leader”.

Not once did I remind them I was nothing without God.

I left the church that evening with my arms thrown wide shouting, “I’m the queen of the world.”

I had a flat tire on the way home from work. I could not reach my husband by phone. In my attempt to change the tire on my own I broke six nails and a shoe heel. And, as cliché as it might sound…it began to rain on me as I worked. MY whole evening was ruined.

I’m not saying God flattened my tire or broke my heel, but both blowouts certainly served a purpose in humbling me.

We must never forget that every good thing comes from God. We must never forget to give Him the glory in our lives. We must never forget that it’s okay to be famous but only when we acknowledge how we got there with sincerity and humble gratitude.

If you have not acknowledged God’s grace in your life today…now’s the time to do so. 

Father I pray you will accept my humble gratitude for your work in my life. I am blessed in so many different ways because of your mercy on me. I want to acknowledge in my heart and in public that you are the source from which all blessings flow. You are God. Amen.