Even Though: February 2015

I'm a Christian, a wife to Lester for 34 years, a mother to three great kids, a grandmother to five. I'm also a writer and Published author.

What I'm not is perfect. On any given day I am sure to mess up in dozens of ways. I will be impractical and make decisions that will hurt my family, my finances or my future. I will be impatient and say or do something to annoy, distract, or damage others. I will be impulsive and allow my anger, my frustration or my sadness to lead me into sinning against my God and others. I WILL BE IMPERFECT. It's who I am.

Yet, even though I'm not yet who I could be in Christ, He loves me anyway! God loves me anyway!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Light of the World

14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
~Matthew 5:14-16

When my husband and I were first married we were given a wooden bread box as a wedding gift. To be honest, we didn’t use it very often. Right from the beginning, neither of us has ever been much of a bread eater. Over the years I’ve thrown away hundreds of half used, stale loaves of bread. So, it wasn’t all that surprising when, after several months of marriage, I opened the rarely used box to find a very old—very green—long forgotten and long since dead, moldy, mildewed loaf of bread. I’d never seen anything quite so disgusting in my life.

Did you know that mold and mildew—decay and deterioration—thrive in darkness? Light hampers the growth of the bacteria that causes mold. Light holds the destruction at bay…

Not only is our Christian “light” meant to lead others out of the “darkness” of sin, but it’s meant to hold that same darkness at bay. Our “light”…the glory of God personified in us…hampers the decay of the world. It shines upon the evil and forces it back.  

So, keep on shining! Be the light in a world of darkness.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Are you the "Second Son" today?

Luke 15:11-32  
The Parable of the Lost Son

If you’ve never read the Parable of the Lost Son (otherwise known as the Prodigal Son) I urge you to read about it today and then ask yourself this question: Am I the Prodigal? Or, am I the “second son” today?

The second son. He was the “good” son, the one who stayed. He worked hard, respected his father and did all that was asked of him. He was loyal and steadfastly strong in his determination to honor his father and his family. Yet, when his brother returned to the family fold after almost losing his life to sin and corruption it was the second son who resented his father’s celebration of the Prodigal’s return. He felt slighted and jealous of his father’s attentions toward his brother.
“Why aren’t I being celebrated?” he asked. “Why aren’t I being lauded for being good? Why aren’t I being fed the fatted calf?” After all, I’m the “good” son. I’m the good son…

We want to be noticed. It’s true. We want to be valued and appreciated and given our due. Who wouldn’t? I mean, sure, it’s wonderful that the prodigal has returned. He’s been saved and all is well with the world... and he’s good…now. But, I’ve been good all along. 

Where’s my party? Where's my silly hat and noise maker?  Where’s my banner that reads, “For she’s a jolly good fellow”? I want my fatted calf, dang it!

It’s human to feel this way. Yet, aren’t we, as Christians, supposed to strive for something just a little more…divine? 

Are you feeling neglected? Under-appreciated? De-valued?

Know this, there may not be a fatted calf in your future today. There may not be a party planned or even a pat on the back coming your way from family or friends.  

Yet, YOU ARE VALUED. You are loved. You are a child of God. He knows your name; he knows your story; he knows your worth. God knows you and loves you and smiles into your heart each and every day and night…God, your Father, treasures you more than you can ever know. You may be a “second son” today but YOU are always first in His heart. Always.

How lucky we are that Jesus loves us even though we're sometimes petty and jealous and resentful. Jesus loves us even though! What good news that is to hear today!

Father, I can’t help but love you this day. You are so good to me. You are faithful and strong. And, you are always in my corner. I may not always feel important on this earthly plane. However, I know that I am invaluable in your plan. You sought me out and worked to win me into your eternal kingdom. It does not matter that I am sometimes the prodigal and sometimes the “second son”, I am always your child. That’s good enough for me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.